Sunday 27 March 2016

Day 6- coffee plantation, Equal opportunity employer, Granada, final dinner

Our last day has been a whirlwind. We started by driving up the side of a volcano where a coffee plantation is located. Afterwards, we went to Cafe Sonrisas. It's a restaurant and hammock shop that employs those who are hearing impaired. We also we were fortunate enough to meet Mark, who is riding his bike around the world and is currently in Nicaragua. His goal is to raise $50,000, and he has $15,000 to go. Afterwards, we had time to explore the colonial city of Granada. It was quite festive being Easter in a mainly Catholic country. It was great exposure to the culture. We then had our last supper with musical accompaniment. Afterwards, we had some time to talk about how the trip was an awesome, life changing experience and how, as a group, we accomplished so much and bonded so well. 

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